Do you know that you can make a lot of money creating cool domain names and building a simple website around it and offer them up for sale and make a HUGE, TIDY profit? It's amazingly simple,VERY AFFORDABLE to begin.
In this blog I'm going to give you a simple walk through on how you can set up your domain name business smooth and running.You can make upto $200,$4000 or $20000 just by creating a valuable domain name,register it, and offer it up for sale
at a price far more than what you invested.
Here's How:
Think up a domain name that you know might be very useful sometime in the future.This requires a little research on news on new services,products,and presentation plans about the products range.You also visit production corporations,advertising companies or agents to get latest news on products in the making and the presentation plans about the product or service.
Once that all important research has been done and a valuable domain name for that product or service is created, Next is to register it and also the name variations of the product in a suitable webhosting company.You must not forget to put your contact information.
Register at for parking domain names.
Negotiate properly when clients turn up to bid for the domain name.You could sell a valuable domain name registered with $3 for $200,$400,$10000.A Friend of mine sold a domain name he registered with $8 for $3000!Wow!,and way to go!You can do the same too and make huge profits.
Well fellas,gota go, more coming up soon.
STEP 5. put SOME REAL QUALITY content on it and build some high quality backlinks on it then you are good to go.the quality backlinks are for giving the site some page rank and thus boost it's worth and value.Blog,Post on forums and make helpful comments Add videos and you are adding more value to your customer as well as to your reward.A website with a good page rank will worth more